M2099 Wiki
Reality Template
Planet X

Information-silk Official Reality Number
Information-silk Status
Information-silk Created by
Alan Davis, Alan Davis
First appearance


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[[Category:{{#dpl:title= X-Men Vol 2 98

|namespace=Category |mode=userformat |allowcachedresults=true |includepage={Marvel Database:Comic Template}:Year |noresultsheader=Please update this comic link.

}} Reality Debuts]]

M2099 Wiki:HeaderProfessor X led a team of mutant Skrulls, and eventually gathered the X-Alliance, a group constituted by Homo Superior of numerous species, on the X-World. The original X-Men are dispatched in the galaxy.

Gambit and Marrow were married, Scott considered as dead. Kitty Pryde is dead but have great-daughters. Charles Xavier is dying from the Legacy Virus. Cable have joined Magneto's brotherhood, as well as Polaris. Galactus has been cured from his hunger by the Alliance.

On december 2099, Apocalypse used the power of X-World to return it to his past self.

